Who we are
Financial & Accounting Services Center Ekkom LTD is a family-run company, which has assisted its clients for 25 years in the efficient management of key financial & accounting and HR & payroll areas in their organisations. In our efforts, we focus on quality, transparent communication with clients and continuous development. Corporate growth is second nature to us, and process and technological innovations are what makes us stand out on the market.
We believe that by combining advanced tools, our experience and constantly optimised processes, we are able to provide our clients with accounting without barriers. We provide you with unlimited access to key data on your corporate finances and major cost drivers, and help you streamline your operations.
How we work
We specialise in providing real-time accounting services. We are the only company in Poland to provide comprehensive accounting services and access to Standard ERP by HansaWorld, a world-class ERP system. In addition, we provide our clients with StreamSoft Prestiż, one of the most popular ERP-grade systems in Poland. These systems provide our clients with online data about their company’s financial & accounting condition from any place around the world.
Documents are transferred using professional Electronic Documentation Workflow tools, fully integrated with our ERP platforms. By automating regular operations and adjusting our methodology to the specific needs of the client, we can effectively provide our services to companies from all across Poland. With the deployed technology, our clients save time, reduce costs and significantly improve the efficiency of processes in their operations.
What makes us stand out?
Our values
The organisational culture at Ekkom is based on dialogue and mutual respect, and the following values are at the core of our operations:
What makes us stand out?
years on the market
qualified employees
documents processed electronically
supported languages
supported IT systems
Contact us
If you are interested in our offer, please contact us using the contact form. We will be happy to provide more details and prepare an offer for your company.